Your organization is already saving when you switch to a VoIP phone, but that does not mean that all VoIP providers are created equal or that every charge you incur is necessary to your business goals. Even within the VoIP framework, it is possible to save when you know what choices to make. Following are just a few of the ways you may be able to cut your VoIP costs so that you can put more towards strategic business goals.
1. Choose Low Power Hardware
Not all VoIP phones are the same. Some draw power from AC adaptors while others have Power over Ethernet (PoE) capability and draw power from their internet connection. Choosing a phone that uses less power may cost more initially, but the savings on electricity can add up, so be sure to find the phones that meet both your functionality and utility needs.
2. Go with the Cloud
The cost differential in cloud vs. on-premise vs. hybrid systems can come down to a lot of factors. However, it is accepted that a cloud VoIP solution means lower CAPEX costs. If your investment in VoIP is dependent upon the CAPEX you’ll be expected to contribute; then the cloud is the way to go. Of course, a cloud solution has other benefits as well, like less pressure on your IT department, continually improving software, and additional security.
3. Let Some Users Opt for Softphones
During the golden era of the desk phone, virtually any person who worked in an office would have a phone on their desk. Calls would be transferred from the front desk to corner offices or to secretaries that sat outside of those offices, and you could reach anyone by dialing an extension. Those days are long gone. Today, it is rare to find an office where everyone needs a phone on their desk. Instead, they are easy enough to reach via instant messenger, email, or a softphone client. If you want to save on your VoIP costs, allow employees to opt for softphone connectivity, which means less hardware to purchase. This brings us to our next point...
4. Don’t Buy More Than You Need
One of the many benefits of a VoIP system is that it is simple to add more lines if your company expands, or to decrease the size of your system if you need to downsize. When setting up your system, you do not need to account for all the employees that you may or may not hire over the lifespan of your phones. To decrease your VoIP phone system cost, buy only what you need and rest assured that you can easily expand when required.
5. Get More From Your Phones
Business savings can come in many different forms. Instead of considering how to save more upon initial investment, consider cost savings over time when your phone system works to support strategic business goals. VoIP integration solutions that allow your phone to do things like talk to your CRM, integrate with your security system, or automatically call customers with sales reminders can lead to savings in different departments. Learn more about VoIP integrations when you download our free guide below.