
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) News 

July 14, 2016

3 Things to do When Considering a VoIP System

Posted by Tom Strong

You’ve done your due diligence and feel good about the VoIP system you’re about to have installed. It’s a smart business decision which will save money and simplify the current unwieldy system. Your employees are excited about its great features and the new efficient hardware, which will provide better customer service. You’re good to go.

Or, maybe not. There’s a step you’ve probably missed, a step which won’t cost anything and will strengthen the business. Don’t miss the opportunity, while you’re looking for a new communications system, to build and reinforce relationships with your customers. Here are 3 things to do before you choose that new VoIP system.

Be customer centered – Customers buy from businesses they feel committed to and have relationships with. The number 1 complaint consumers have about companies is poor communication systems/customer service. This alienates them, erodes their loyalty and ultimately they take their business elsewhere. Are you asking and encouraging your employees to ask, “What’s best for our customer’s experience”?

When was the last time you or your managers worked your way through the communication system? Most supervisors have no idea how poorly the system operates, while the front line staff gets the brunt of customer’s frustrations. Talk to the people who use the current system and solicit their ideas on how to improve customer satisfaction with VoIP. The best customer centered business cultures are built and sustained at the grassroots level.

Ask the customer – In proactive businesses the customer is at the center of every decision. The company seeks out and listens to their opinions, and then acts on their feedback. Poorly managed companies presume to know their customer’s minds. Worse yet, they may not believe negative feedback or simply not care.

Take time during the deciding phase of selecting your VoIP system and ask a broad selection of customers, both ones who’re satisfied and unsatisfied with your company, what they’d like to see in a new system. Don’t presume to know your customer’s mind – ask and listen.

Strengthen your brand – Your brand’s message should always be clear, succinct, focused and communicated at every opportunity. While you’re soliciting the opinions of the employees, who’re involved in direct customer relations, make sure you’re articulating the message to them. These employees are then responsible for getting the message across to the customers as they’re soliciting their opinions. In addition to seeking feedback this time is also used to reinforce and build loyalty.

VoIP systems can greatly enhance customer service after they’re installed. But, don’t miss the opportunity to improve ties with your customers before the system is in place. After all, depending on your business, they may use it almost as much as you do.

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